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Learn to Play Guitar: Tips from Review Websites
- What is the difference between a guitar and a tuna fish?… You can tune a guitar but you can’t tuna fish. (Animal Jokes)
- What do you call a guitar that never finishes a job?… a quitar
- What did the guitar say to the guitarist?… Pick on someone your own size! (Top 3 Anti-Bullying Blogs)
- I’ve just seen a huge killer fish singing and playing guitar in the city center… I think it must be a busking shark.
- What do you call a female police officer who plays guitar?… SHE RIFF (Police Jokes)
- What do you call a cow that plays guitar?… A moo-sician! (Cow Jokes)
- Did you hear about the farmer who played guitar out in his cornfield?… It was music to his ears. (Farming Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the rock star put his guitar in the fridge?… Because he wanted to play cool music.
- What did Al Gore play on his guitar?… An algorithm! (Math Jokes)
- What do you call two guitarists playing in unison?… Counterpoint.
- How do you get a guitar player to play softer?… Give him a sheet of music. (Top Careers)
- What do you call a guitar player that only knows two chords?… A music critic.
- What is the difference between a guitarist and a Savings Bond?… Eventually a Savings Bond will mature and earn money!
- What do they call a guitar solo in China?… Too Ning. (World Geography Jokes)
- What do you get when you cross a chicken with a guitar?… a chicken that makes music when you pluck it!
- What does Eric Clapton and a cup of coffee have in common?… They both are better with Cream.
- What’s the definition of an optimist?… A guitarist with a mortgage.