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Writing Advice for College Students

Amy Foster, a dedicated writer at EssayZoo and a blogger. She writes about ways to improve writing skills, motivation, and self-development. In this way, Amy is doing what she likes most, writing and helping people grow personally.

Do you feel absurd with your current skills in speech, writing, or listening? Students may be tired sometimes and thus have difficulties in absorbing new information to master new skills. Wait…do not sit back and give up. It’s time for you to get ahead with learning something new right now. Sometimes you are a social media guru or perfect in analyzing information. However, there is always room for improvement.

Before we delve into the fundamental aspect of learning new skills, let’s learn the basic rule: being smart is not enough! It’s better to be more intelligent in anything to get ahead.  Besides, it is essential to give approach the world with broad learning mindset. Mastering skills gives opportunities for students to grow, fulfill their dreams, develop the right attitude, rapport and discover their talents.

Process of Mastering Skills

Learning new skills is a process that requires patience. Therefore, students should follow the below procedure to attain the skills they desire to achieve.


Learning new skills requires readiness and competency. Therefore, the student should define the achievable goal Channel the best time and energy to give in learning the skill as well as commitment.  Secondly, students should get the right support during the learning process. Therefore, it is crucial to understand somebody who has mastered the skills and go beyond the evaluator. Besides, get a good mentor to provide you with the best quality to achieve the skill.

Know the best methods

On a separate note, students should know the best methods for learning skills. For example, watch demonstrations, listen to presentation and explanations or involve in hands-on experience techniques to learn new skills. After identifying the best method of learning, ensure that you start learning bit by bit to have a constant self-improvement. For example, attain assertive skills requires little bits of speaking up in meetings or classes within the initial minutes.


Elsewhere, it is critical to reflect along the way through experimentation to mastery of the skill. Skills usually stick in memory when a student demonstrates and share the goals with others who give more information and emotional support.  Besides, reflecting the new skills or ideas along the way, it is essential to map the progress and ensure that you picked the right skill. Students should ensure that they manage to retain the relevant information. Thus, it is important to conduct self-test and revise the previous information learned to prevent memory loss.

Teaching others

Lastly, it is better to challenge yourself and teach other people the skill as it helps you practice the process. Also, as top writers from advise, firstly, try to understand the whole process by researching all the needed aspects. Next, try to explain it to your peers answering all the questions your peers might have. In this way, you will master your writing skills by getting a deep understanding of writing a paper and simultaneously will master your explanation skills. Sometimes it can be also useful to organize a temporary classroom with your colleagues and offer them a teaching lesson. Others will also be able to correct you where there is a mistake hence will boost your learning process.

Tips for mastering new skills

Set a goal / identify the skill: before learning a new skill, the student needs to set a goal that he or she anticipates to obtain at the end. The targets usually motivate the students to focus on a given direction without giving up. Besides, the student should break the goal down by researching the skill. In the process, it is important to note down the skill and the various components of learning the skill.  For example, mastering public speaking skills requires that students note aspects of body language, aspects of presentation and delivery.

Note the reasons for giving up: the process of learning skills is tedious hence most students give up when faced with challenging issues. Thus, the students lose their motivation and quit along the way.  Therefore, it is important to maintain patience with the right attitude.

Focus on the minimum percentage of progress: learning new skills requires absorbing bits of skills of about 20 percent and building the smaller portions to form 100 percent at the outcome. Therefore, it entails breaking down the goals and focusing on the sub-skills that create the overall goal. For example, learning to play guitar requires memorization of the four chords. Besides, students should focus on the sub-skills at a time instead of multitasking.

Remain motivated: after getting the skills and figuring out the processes of learning such skills, students should continue to plan on how to keep the momentum to the very end. It is important to stay focus and on track with all the schedules.

Combine related topics: students who learn new skills sometimes study associated issues. Therefore, it is essential to consider the two related topics together to improve understanding.  For example learning skills in developing a website requires that students learn HTML, CSS as well as a backend to understand their relationships.

Take notes: students should take notes on any information or new skill that is of interest. For example, learning creative writing requires reading and taking notes on the guide or any problematic information for later reference.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, learning new skills is not an event but a process that requires dedication of time, patience, and motivation to achieve the set goals. Therefore, students should not worry about how to do it but should start doing the first steps to master a needed skill.