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Top Joke Pages:
- What’s the difference between a pizza and our pizza jokes?… Our pizza jokes can’t be topped!
- I have been trying to write a new pizza joke… But I can’t work out the delivery.
- Do you want to hear a joke about pizza?… Never mind, it’s too cheesy. (Cheese Jokes)
- What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song?… Slice, Slice Baby! (Music Jokes)
- Customer: “Waiter, will my pizza be long?” Waiter: “No sir, it will be round!” (Pi Day Jokes & Geometry Jokes)
- What did Palpatine say to the intern when they asked how many pizzas they needed for his birthday party?… “Order 66!” (Star Wars Jokes & Birthday Jokes)
- The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza parlor… He says, “Make me one with everything.”
- Why buy our pizza?… We knead the dough.
- What’s the difference between a bad pizza joke and a good one?… The delivery.
- Where do pizza makers go on vacation?… Orlandough, Florida. (Florida Jokes)