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Author Bio: Frank Hamilton is a blogger and translator from Manchester. He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.

Perhaps in the future, public speaking will not be very useful for your child. For example, if he decides to be a doctor, not a lawyer or a diplomat. However, regardless of your child’s choice, public speaking is one of the first experiences in overcoming fear and moving out of his/her comfort zone. Even if your kid never needs this skill outside of school or university, then the ability to mobilize inner strength and overcome oneself will always be useful.

In this article, we decided to collect tips that will help your child overcome anxiety before speaking in public.

Tell Your Child That This Fear Is Normal

In fact, so many adults are also afraid to give a speech publicly. This fear is associated with a deep fear of condemnation and alienation and has distant evolutionary roots. Partly, fearing public speaking, increased attention, and possible failure is even normal. Your child should know about this. Sometimes the realization that you are not alone in a certain situation is already good support.

Therefore, tell your child that many adults are also afraid. Many children are also afraid. Tell a story from your childhood and your school life, remember what helped you cope. Children are very fond of stories from the childhood of their parents, they really support and inspire.

Help a Little With His Presentation/Speech

Your child will feel more relaxed if he knows that the theoretical part of his presentation is done correctly. Or that his speech certainly does not contain grammatical or lexical errors, especially if the child has to speak a second language. No, you do not need to do the entire child presentation instead of your kid – you just need to help a little.

In addition, there are those who can help you as well. Ask the best authors with Online Writers Rating or Best Writers Online writing service reviews platforms to revise your child’s presentation with a more professional look and be sure that no mistakes have slipped into the text.

Encourage Public Speaking in Stress-Free Situations

Ideally, kid speaking should be if not a daily, but the regular experience. To do this, the child should gain more independence in daily communication with other people, including other adults. To do this, let the child make an order on their own when you come to eat at the restaurant. Let him say a few holiday words on the birthday of his friend or family member. Encourage the idea if your siblings want to come up with a festive performance for your relatives.

What happens often is familiar and does not cause stress.

Become His/Her the Most Loyal Audience

Invite your child to rehearse his speech with you. Ask him to imagine that you are a whole audience of people for whom he speaks. This will be the first step towards overcoming fear, but in the most comfortable environment, next to the parent, who is always on the side of his child. Teach your child to establish contact with the audience, to stay in the right position, to use body language where necessary.

And of course, show sincere interest in his speech. You can even ask your child a few questions at the end so that this situation does not take him by surprise after a real speech.

Teach Your Kid the Skills of Visualization and Optimistic Thinking

And by the way, these are two more indispensable skills that will be useful in later life, in addition to the skill of calm public speaking. Teach your child to visualize situations and imagine everything as if it had already happened. The fantasy of children works much better than the fantasy of adults. 

Most likely, your child will be able to easily imagine himself on stage surrounded by enthusiastic looks. Help him catch this feeling of fulfillment and confidence. Tell the child that he can return to these feelings at any time, even right before the performance, in order to feel calm and confident. And then everything will go well with great probability.

Offer Your Kid to Join a Theater Art Class

The theater class is a great place to train public speaking for kids skills. Moreover, such classes take place in the most relaxed atmosphere, in the circle of peers and friends, plus under the guidance of a professional teacher. Regular classes will help your child get used to the idea that the experience of public speaking is the same experience as any other. And theatrical performances in front of an audience will help to overcome fear in practice, and maybe even reveal real talent.


The skill of public speaking for children may not be necessary for daily use, but your child must know how to do it, plus deal with stress. Even adults experience stress before, during, and after public speaking, but you can convince your child that speaking in public can be easy and fun. All you need is to support him, not to let his nervous system collapse on this ground and of course, to encourage even minimal success!