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Read, write, count in class, then take a short break on the way home and study again … And you want to collect from the constructor pirate ship, you want to cut Barbie and paint a watercolor mirror in the bathroom. And it seems that if you drag the “homework” until late at night, you can go to bed, and it will disappear from the diary overnight. Yes, I pulled with the lessons, it seemed to be sophisticated torture to return to the teachings after honestly done seven lessons. But now I understand, and psychologists and teachers explain that it is the performance of homework, not only consolidate all the knowledge heard at school, but also help the child to become organized, to be able to structure information, as well as essays in the university (they may be written by WriteMyPaper4me).

And our parenting role in doing “homework” is very great. To explain what slipped through and was not remembered, to explain that physics needs to know so as not to be electrocuted when the electric razor, plugged in the socket, gets under the tap, and the main thing – to praise, cheer up and always be there if necessary.

Parents of schoolchildren should remember that their lessons are also our lessons! The child is 7 years old, from the fact that he is now taken to school, has not ceased to be a child. He needs help organizing space, time, breaks, mode, and he also needs to be allowed to continue playing!

First graders don’t have to worry anymore when they come home – their “homework” as such has been canceled. But they may still have some creative work to do, too. But since the second grade, homework begins.


In primary school, homework should not take more than 1.5 hours to complete. And don’t forget about dynamic breaks – jumping, running, gymnastics, charging for your fingers. A dynamic break can also serve as a game with the designer, with dolls. We have made one lesson – 10 minutes break. And during this break, allow your child to do what he wants (preferably only exclude the computer and TV at this time).

– In 4th-5th grade – no more than two hours for “homework”, – in 6-8th grade – about two and a half hours. – And high school is 3.5 hours.

Rest is obligatory!

Ideally – after school to walk, come home, have lunch, relax and then already take for lessons. The most “active” time for the child – from 11 to 13 hours and from 16 to 19. If you take into account that the fifth lesson ends at 13 – 13.30, it is just time to walk, relax and closer to 16 sit down for lessons.

Get your workplace ready

A high school kid should have his own desk. No “reading on the couch,” no TV next door. A pupil shouldn’t sit at the kitchen table while his mother chopped cabbage there. A pupil needs a full workplace. A comfortable chair, a strong table, light falling on the right. It is important that there is nothing superfluous around – toys, disks, designers will distract and call for the game, not for serious business.

First that, what you like.

– Start your lessons with a subject that your child likes and is easily taught. This will give you assurance: I did it, I liked it, I will continue doing the lessons!

– If a child gets involved for a long time, slowly swinging, then for a warm-up offer to make the tasks easier.

– If, on the contrary, a student quickly turns on and quickly tires up, then start with the lesson, which is harder and requires maximum concentration.

– It is not principal to start with oral tasks or written ones. The main thing is that in the performance of tasks in English, for example, the student first learned the rules, and then did the written task on this rule, and not vice versa. Mommy’s participation gives strength!