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- Knock knockout?…Who is there?…Boo… Boo Who?… Don’t cry! We have the best donut jokes. (Donut Knock Knock Jokes)
- National Donut Day Theme Song: “Donut stop believing!” (Music Jokes)
- “The optimist sees the donut, the pessimist sees the hole.” Oscar Wilde (Book Jokes)
- Where was the first doughnut cooked?… In Greece! (World Geography Jokes)
- What is a pilot’s favorite type of donut?… A plain (plane) donut! (Pilot Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the donut start going to therapy?… It couldn’t get over the feeling that something was missing — it never felt hole! (Psychology Jokes)
- Did you hear the joke about the donut?… Probably not, it was crummy! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
- A cream-filled donut and an eclair decided to get a divorce. It’s a sad story, but the real victims are their children. They’re in for a grueling custardy battle. (Divorce Jokes)
- What do you call a store that only sells pretzels, bagels and donuts?… Hole Foods. (Donut Jokes & Bagel Jokes)
- Where do basketball players always get their coffee?… Dunkin’ Donuts! (Donut Jokes & Coffee Jokes)
- National Donut Day Motto: “Donut Worry! Be Happy!” (365 Music Jokes)
- What do you call it when you order the same donut every day?… A do-rut!
- Career Advice: “Donuts: The only non-negotiable element to a successful meeting.” Anonymous (Career Blogs)
- What do you get when you cross Frosty with a baker?… Frosty the Dough-man! (Frosty the Snowman Jokes)
- Donut PSA: Warning! Donuts will make your clothes shrink.
- Knock Knock… Who’s there… Donut… Donut who?… Donut ask, it’s a secret! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Where do bakers go on vacation?… Orlandough, Florida. (Florida Jokes)
- Why did the baker stop making donuts?… He was fed up with the hole business! (Labor Day Jokes)
- Why do golfers love donuts?… Always a hole-in-one! (Golf Jokes)
- Why did the donut decide to become a priest?… It always felt very hole-y!
- What kind of donuts can fly?… The plain ones.
- What do you call a Boston crème do-nut that’s a straight A student?… The cream of the crop. (School Jokes for Kids & 180 School Jokes)
- Why did the donut go to the doctor?… Because it was feeling crummy! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
- National Donut Day Inspiration: “Donut give up”
- Why did the croissant think the doughnut is depressed?… It has a hole inside. (Croissant Jokes)
- Donut Puns: I eat donuts on Sundays because they’re hole-y.
- What did the people say when donut graduated?… They cheered, saying, “He passed with frying crullers.”
- What did the donut say to the munchin?…. You complete me! (Movie Jokes)
- What are strange donuts made out of?… Weird-doughs.
- What do you call uncivilized donuts?… Bavarians.
- What it the official donut of a heat wave?… Krispy Kreme! (Heat Wave Jokes)
- Ides of March Jokes: Celebrate the Ides of March with a donut. In fact…Eat two, Brute. (Donut Jokes)
- What do do-nuts wear to proms?… Tuxedoughs! (Prom Jokes)
- Yoda’s Thoughts on Donuts: Do or donut, there is no try.
- Why did the donut go to a therapist?… He felt empty inside.
- What’s a donut’s favorite lullaby?… “Sprinkle, Sprinkle Little Star.”
- What is the best thing to put into a donut?… your teeth. (Dentist Jokes for Kids)
- Which nut has a hole in it?… A donut.
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget to hire a tutor to improve your grades! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- What do you call a cute donut?… Adoughrable!
- What’s a shark’s favorite breakfast food?… A jellyfish filled donut. (Shark Jokes)
- What’s a donut’s favorite day of the week?… Fry-day! (Fast Food Jokes)
- American donuts… glazed, powdered and raspberry-filled; now how’s that for freedom of choice?… Homer Simpson (4th of July Jokes)
- Why would the people call bagels and donuts the same?… Because the donut see the difference.
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget to close the door! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Why did the donut get a job at the bank?… Because he was good at making dough!
- What do you call a pastry that is a priest?… A Holy Donut!
- Why did the mother return a donut?… Because there was a hole in it. (Mom Jokes)
- Why do donuts make terrible teachers?… They’re always glazing over the important stuff.
- I tried working in a donut shop, but I soon got tired of the hole business. (Labor Day Jokes)
- Why do basketball players eat donuts for a pre-game meal?… They love to dunk them. (March Madness Jokes)
- What did the Munchkins become when a house landed on them?… Crunchkins. (Wizard of Oz Jokes)
- What did the pastry chef say to his unsupportive father?… “Donut hole me back.”
- Knock knock!… Who’s there?… Doughnut. Doughnut Who?… Doughnut forget do your homework or you will have to go to summer school! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids / Summer School Jokes / 180 School Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… CIA… CIA, who?…CI ate your last doughnut! (Donut Knock Knock Jokes)
- What’s a donut’s favorite part of going to church?… Hole-y water!
- I was on a diet… but I donut care anymore.
- How does Bob Marley like his donuts?… Wi’ jam in.
- Why did the Croissants take the Donuts and Bagels to Disneyland?… They thought it would be fun for the hole family. (Disney Jokes& Croissant Jokes)
- Why do people ignore filled donuts?… Because they are just full of themselves.
- What is the only thing that can cure a sick do-nut?… An antidought! (Doctor Jokes for Kids)
- Donut Pun:”You donut know how much I love you.” (Valentine’s Day Jokes)
- Why did the clock in the donut shop run slow?… It always went back four seconds? (Daylight Savings Time Jokes)
- Why couldn’t the Teddy Bear eat his donut?… He was stuffed. (Animal Jokes for Kids & Bear Jokes)
- Which fast-food chain would be a good basketball player?… Dunkin’ Donuts. (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
- A Donut Book Never Written: “Doughnuts, Doughnuts, Doughnuts!” by Chris P. Cream. (Book Jokes)
- What kind of donuts can fly?… A plane one. (Pilot Jokes for Kids & Plane Jokes)
- What did Yoda say when he turned a patron away for ordering a pie?… “Dough. Or doughnut. There is no pie.” (Yoda Jokes)
- What are the strange-looking donuts called?… Weird doughs.
- What kind of evidence can a donut not take to trial?… Anecdoughtal evidence! (Lawyer Jokes)
- Why did the donut go to the dentist?… It needed a chocolate filling. (Dentist Jokes for Kids)
- What did an angry donut say to his wife?… Donut talk to me.
- What do you call a Jamaican donut?… Cinnamon. (World Geography Jokes)
- Where’s a donut’s favorite vacation spot?… The Sahara dessert! (Travel Guest Blogs & World Geography Jokes)
- What song did the motivational donut leader sing?… Donut stop believing.
- Donut Pun: What did one donut say to the other?… I donut care.
- What was the donut’s least favorite part of its day?… I’m not really sure, it glazed over that part!
- What do do-nuts wear to weddings?… Tuxedoughs! (Wedding Jokes)
- Why do donuts hate puns so much?… They donut like to joke around!
- Knock Knock… Who’s there… Justin… Justin who?… Justin time to make the donuts! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Why was the donut shop robbed?… Because the thieves wanted to get their hands on the dough.
- Why did the baker stop making donuts?… He was fed up with the hole business! (Labor Day Jokes for Kids)
- How did the police department figure out a perp stole a cop car?… The lojacked cop car went 5 hours without stopping at a Dunkin Donuts! (Police Jokes for Kids)
- How did the strawberry donut feel after dinner?… Jam-packed!
- “If you stop eating donuts you will live three years longer; it’s just three more years that you want a donut.” Lewis Black
- What’s the healthiest part of a donut?… The middle.
- What’s a donut’s favorite drink?… Hole-y water!
- Why did the donut visit a cardiologist?… Because of the hole in its heart.
- Where is a basketball player’s favorite place to eat?… Dunkin’ Donuts! (World’s Best Basketball Jokes)
- Knock, knock… Who’s there?… Noah… Noah, who?… Noah good joke about donuts?
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know how to tell a good donut knock-knock joke?
- Knock Knock… Who’s there… Donut… Donut who?… Donut let anyone else in but me! (Knock Knock Jokes for Kids)
- Knock Knock… Who’s there?… June… June who?… June know any good donut knock knock jokes? (June Jokes & Spring Knock Knock Jokes)
- How can you justify donuts being healthy… Because they are included in the hole food category.
- What do the donuts do on their dates?… The two end up glazing in each other’s eyes.
- What happened to the renegade donuts?… They went down in a glaze of glory.
- What’s a do-nuts favorite place to explore?… The Sahara dessert! (Travel Guest Blogs & World Geography Jokes)
- Donut Pun: “A donut is happiness with sprinkles on top.”
- Donut Pun: “Donut kill my vibe.”
- How does the gym instructor say after having loads of desserts?… “I donut care anymore..”
- Donut Pun: “Eat more hole foods.”
- Donut Pun: “And the donut just stood there with a glazed expression.”
- Donut Pun: “You need to understand the difference between want and need. Like I want abs, but I need donuts.”
- Donut Pun: “Donut judge me.”
- Why do the people say donuts are made by God?… Because they are hole-y. Boy, that is quite a religious approach for donut jokes.
- Do you know what kind of window donuts prefer?… Donuts absolutely love the idea of having double glazed windows in their homes!
- How would you brand a cop basketball team?… Dunkin donuts. Everyone knows that the police force loves donuts.
- Where do college basketball players always get their coffee?… Dunkin’ Donuts! (Donut Jokes & Coffee Jokes)
- I allow myself only one donut per year… This morning I had 533 B.C., 1831, and 1962.
- Ever heard of French Donuts?… They’re the Beigne of my existence.
- When do bakers stop making donuts?… When they get tired of the hole thing.
- What did an angry donut say to her husband?… Donut talk to me.
- How can you spot a fashionista donut?… They’re into all the latest glazes.
- How was the donuts’ hole business?… Not at all jam-packed.
- Why do you need to buy new clothes after buying donuts?… Because donuts make your existing clothes shrink.
- What did the basketball player who loved donuts say after the match?… Let’s go to Dunkin donuts for the hole food protein!
- What did a donut say to another while separating?… “I donut care anymore.”
- Donut Puns: Donut kill my vibe.
- Donut Puns: Glazed and confused.
- Donut Puns: Donut be jelly. Cruller to be kind.
- Donut Puns:I donut want to glaze over the fact that I like you a hole lot.
- Donut Puns: Donut rain on my parade.
- Donut Puns: Donut worry, be happy!
- Donut Puns: Donut stop believing.
- Donut Puns: love hole foods.
- Donut Puns: I donut wanna grow up.
- The arrogant baker declared, “You’ll never hear a complaint about my doughnuts outside this shop window.” The customer agreed, “It must be the double glazing.”
- What do you call a donut that’s been in the sun too long?… A glazed and confused!
- What do you get when you cross a donut and a croissant?… A cronut!
- What did the donut say to the bagel?… “You’re just a wannabe donut!”
- Why did the donut refuse to go on a date with the croissant?… Because he thought she was too flaky.
- What do you get when you cross a donut and a muffin?… A duffin!
- Why did the donut join the circus?… To become a dough-nut!
- What do you call a donut that’s lost its filling?… A sad jelly.
- Why did the donut refuse to take a drug test?… Because he was afraid he’d test positive for powdered sugar.
- What did the donut say to the coffee? …”I’m dough-lighted to meet you!”
- What did the senior say when he walked into the donut shop?… “I’m not here for the donuts, I’m just here for the hole-y experience!”
- What did the donuts say when they saw the police officer?… Oh no! Glaze not!
- Why did the baker take a break from making donuts?… He was feeling a little doughy.
- What did the yeast say to the dough in the oven?… Let me outta here before I rise too high!
- Why did the Easter bunny bring donuts instead of eggs this year?… Because he heard they were egg-ceptionally delicious!
- How do you know that donuts are scared of burglars?… They glaze over when they see one.
- What kind of music do donuts like to listen to?… Punk rock!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Donut. Donut who? Donut worry, be happy!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Doughnut. Doughnut who? Doughnut forget to share your donuts with me!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Dunkin. Dunkin who? Dunkin donut, just dunkin donut!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Homer. Homer who? Homer Simpson wants to know if you have any donuts.
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Glazed. Glazed who? Glazed and confused, I can’t decide which donut to choose!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Cinnamon. Cinnamon who? Cinnamon sugar donuts are my favorite!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Sprinkle. Sprinkle who? Sprinkle some love and share your donuts with me!
- Knock knock. Let’s Go Who’s there? Jelly. Jelly who? Jelly-filled donuts are the best!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Sugar. Sugar who? Sugar, spice, and everything nice – that’s what donuts are made of!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Baker. Baker who? Baker’s dozen, please – I want 13 donuts!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Maple. Maple who? Maple donuts are the sweetest!
- Knock knock. Who’s there? Chocolate. Chocolate who? Chocolate glazed donuts are my weakness!