My Town Tutors is making a huge commitment to be the #1 tutoring resource for parents and teachers in America. Our motto is “Teachers are great tutors!” Parents love the fact that every teacher in our directory is a teacher! Our 50 day challenge is designed to connect with teachers who tutor in all 50 states.
Read an article that explains why My Town Tutors is becoming the #1 resource for tutoring in America!
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CoachUp is a great opportunity for teachers to make some extra money during the summer.
CoachUp is a service that connects athletes with private coaches. We believe that private coaching is the secret to reaching the next level in sports + life.”
Teachers often hear the comment “If must be nice to have the summer’s off.” The reality is, many teachers NEED to work during the summers to make ends meet. If a teacher does work during the summer, it makes sense to take advantage of the valuable skills involved in teaching.
My Town Tutors understands the value of one on one tutoring by professional educators. (Free registration for teachers: use code: usteachers.)
Coaching is a job that requires many of the same skills as teaching. A person needs to:

  1. Be knowledgable about the subject or sport.
  2. Be able to explain and teach to learners of different skill levels.
  3. Be able to motivate a child to do his / her best.
  4. Have a flexible schedule that can accommodate the busy lives of children and families.
  5. Have the ability to see the potential in each child.
  6. Have the ability to bring out the best in others.

It is easy to register and each coach sets their hourly rate. It is easy to complete a profile and can provide a teacher / coach with an additional source of income all year.