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Happy Global School Play Day 2020, folks! 

Today marks the fifth GSPD event in which schools around the world put syllabus and structure to one side and instead let the kids take the lead in a day of unplanned and unstructured play.

With over half a million participants from more than 75 nations worldwide, this fast growing grassroots effort is supporting and bringing awareness to the central importance of unstructured playtime for students around the world.  

For decades, many countries have seen a decline in school recess or break times. The tendency has been to replace these with formal academic lesson time. There is however a movement of educators, parents and scientists pushing back. 

Fuelled by a growing body of scientific evidence, the play movement seeks to protect and promote play time for children, recognizing that unstructured free play is vital for kids’ physical, emotional, cognitive and social wellbeing.  

Here is a list of science-backed benefits that children reap from getting more time to play:

43-Benefits-of-Free-Play-INFOGRAPHIC (1).jpg

If you want to learn more about Global School Play Day so that you can take part in the future. Head over to

And even if you’ve missed this one, the main aim is to inspire teachers, schools and parents to prioritize play and make it a more central part of the learning day. Whether this be longer or more times to play, or enhancing the value of play sessions through innovations such as Loose Parts Play, let’s come together to acknowledge the vital importance of play in the lives of our children and broader communities.

Now, go on, get out and play!