1st 52, Find a tutor, Peter Reynolds, Dot Day, Social Moms, Dot Day Celebration, Education Nation,Find a Hanover MA tutor, South Shor tutors, top twitter accounts for parents, top twitter accounts for teachers, Great twitter accounts for parents & teachers

The #1st52 Campaign is being sponsored by @DeanCollege, a great place for learning. If you like our list, please show your support by following @DeanCollege and by visiting Dean College. Their generous support allows us to continue providing resources for teachers and parents.
We would like to offer our sincerest and deepest thanks to Divstrong, our web designer and host, for being the proud sponsor of our 1st 52 campaign.
Divstrong has helped us grow from a small, local tutoring service into a top national resource for parents and teachers. To see some of the great work, please check out their portfolio page and twitter account @Divstrong.
Our 1st 52 page answers the question – “Who would you follow if you could only follow one account a day (or one account a week)? Each week, we will be selecting who we feel are the best accounts for teachers and parents.
I am a 1st 52 Twitter Account! Now What?
Teachers and Educators
Please click the post to read an explanation of our choice.

  1. @NEAToday Post: @NEAToday: Our #1 Twitter Account for Teachers
  2. @AFTunionPost: Top 10 Reasons @AFTUnion is AWESOME for Teachers
  3. @NCTMPost: @NCTM: AWESOME for Math, Teachers, and Education
  4. @shannonmmiller Post: 4 Reasons @ShannonMMiller is Tops for Teachers
  5. @AngelaMaiersPost: Angela Maiers: Educator of the Week
  6. @coolcatteacherPost: Vicki Davis: Educator of the Week
  7. @Edudemic
  8. @peterhreynolds – Posts: Lets All Connect For Dot Day and Make Our Mark On The World! & Peter Reynolds: Educator of the Week
  9. @ShellTerrell
  10. @cybrarymanPost: Teachers Looking for a Good #edchat?
  11. @educationnation
  12. @burgessdave
  13. @NMHS_Principal
  14. @tomwhitbyPost: 21st Century Thought Leader
  15. @ASCD
  16. @jonljenmarcPost: @JonLJenMarc & Twitter: A Case Study
  17. @principalspage
  18. @NormandinBillPost: All Kids can SUCCEED! Be the “1″
  19. @patrickmlarkin

If you are a teacher who tutors, register with us for just $12 for a year. This is the only fee! Teachers keep 100% of the money.
Parents, “teachers are great tutors!” Find one in your area today!

  1. @NationalPTAPost: @NationalPTA is our #1 Twitter Account for Parents
  2. @ptotodayPost: 10 Reasons @PTOToday is the #2 Account for Parents
  3. @parentsmagazinePost: @parentsmagazine is PERFECTLY AWESOME for Parents!
  4. @PragmaticMom – Post: Top 10 Reasons @PragamaticMom is Great for Parents!
  5. @Texasholly
  6. @BruceSallan
  7. @DailyParentTip
  8. @bigcitymoms
  9. @MomCentral
  10. @pbsparents
  11. @socialmoms
  12. @bostonmamas
  13. @mommyniri
  14. @capabilitymom
  15. @BridgetteLA
  16. @Boston_Moms
  17. @dadarocks
  18. @BostonCentral
  19. @voiceBoks_
  20. @KenneyMyers

State Lists
Texas Teachers: Top 50 Twitter Accounts via @mytowntutorsTX
1st 52 Massachusetts Edition via @mytowntutorsMA
25 Awesome Accounts! accounts for New England Parents & Teachers via @mytowntutorsNE
Top 5 Twitter Accounts for Michigan Parents & Teachers via @mytowntutorsMI
We have 2 experiments for the upcoming year:

  1. @mytowntutorsNW will follow two accounts a week for a year (one for educators and one for parents), nothing more, so we will be very selective in our choices – 104 accounts in 52 weeks.
  2. @mytowntutorsNE is going to be overly aggressive and follow one account a day for a year – 365 accounts in 365 days.

We hope you find some of these lists useful. We have spent quite a bit of time and research in making our choices. We have followed many of the tips on our twitter 101 page.
A short list of AMAZING twitter accounts for teachers and parents.
Example #1 – @mytowntutors
Example #2 – @mytowntutorsMI
Example #3 – @Divstrong
If you are a teacher who tutors, register with us for just $12 for a year. This is the only fee! Teachers keep 100% of the money.
Parents, “teachers are great tutors!” Find one in your area today!